Who we are
Adolf Max Konrad Stuehff 1936 - 2021
Adolf Stuehff was one of the last survivors of the old Stühff family:
a family of boatmen on the river Stecknitz who brought the white gold of the middle ages"- the salt from Lueneburg to Luebeck on the Stecknitz-Delvenau-Canal - the predecessor of the Elbe-Luebeck-Canal and one of the oldest man-made waterways in Northern Europe (sailed with the Stecknitz-barges from 1398 to 1895)
He was born and raised in Luebecks cathedral quarter, right on the banks of the river Trave.
Just like his ancestors Adolf Stühff took up the profession of a boatman and captain.
First he went to sea as a sailor and became a captain. After that he worked hard getting all the certificates for inland shipping and traveled Europe´s waterways on various ships which he owned himself. Some of these ships he named after buildings or places in his home town Luebeck: "Mühlentor", "Kaisertor" and "Holstentor".
Adolf Stuehff spent around 70 years on the water, he loved his job more than anything.
During his life-time Adolf Stuehff passed on his outstandig knowledge in this industry to many inland waterways boatsmen,
he was always willing to advise and support his colleagues.
Furthermore he trained many capable people interested in the subject, helping them on their way.
He will be fondly remenbered not only by his family but also by the people who valued and loved him as part of their lives.
Gabriele Stuehff
As a captain´s wife and right hand I acquired the inland shipping certificates also myself over the years and thus managed to become Captain of inland shipping.
As Adolf Stuehff and me were connected to the water, to shipping and to Luebeck with both our hearts and souls we decided to make our dream come true:
To offer tours around Luebeck - and charter tours - on historical barges.
Our pontoon Luebecker Barkassenfahrt Stuehff is nowadays situated shere Adolf used to play as a child.
Adolf Stuehff will forever be a part of my life.

Our boats

The historical senate launch "Gaby Stuehff"
This launch boat was built at the Vulcan-Werft in Stettin in 1940, it was used as a neat senate launch boat and made its trips around Luebeck under the name of "Luba". Through the years the "Gaby Stuehff" became Luebeck’s official tugboat and was then sold in the 1980ies. The boat was taken to the River Ilmenau under the name "Stint", later it travelled on the Havel in Brandeburg as the "Havelnixe". We brought her back home to Luebeck and restored her, investing a lot of love and work into her historical details.
Technical data
Year of construction: 1940 Vulcan-Werft Stettin, Germany
Length: 14.28m
Width: 3.54m
Loaded Draught: 1.10m
Engine: Mercedes Benz 140 PS
Places/seats: 35 Persons

The original Hamburg Harbour launch boat "Maria Stuehff"
The launch boat "Adolf Stuehff" was built in the Wolkau-Werft in Hamburg in 1964, in the beginning it was used for transporting people or tugging boats. The boat carried the name "Karl-Heinz" and travelled in Hamburg’s harbor area until we bought it in 2005. We remained the boat in the name of our daughter "Maria Stuehff"
Because of ist strong engine and very good robustness it was mainly used as a tugboat.
Technical data
Year of construction: 1964 Wolkau Werft Hamburg, Germany
Length: 14.87m
Width: 4.25m
Loaded draught: 1.30m
Engine: Mercedes Benz 300 PS
Places/seats: 50 Persons